There’s something about a new season that brings on a great feeling of relief. All of a sudden, there’s space to rethink, restructure, or review. 

With the opportunity to start anew, we may ask: Does my life reflect the things I value? Do I have things in place to help me create the life I want? 

Like we have all probably experienced in life, structure can help us get to where we want to go. The discipline of working out can help us reach our strength goals. The discipline of doing our homework can help us reach our goal of passing a grade (and learning more). The discipline of healthy eating can help us reach our health and wellness goals. 

The same thing applies to our internal peace, purpose, and intimacy with God. 

 In a recent article on living abundant life, James Pereira says, “[A]bundant life sounds wonderful. The problem with it is that the initial energy and romanticism that occur in the first stages of following Jesus become insufficient as we come face to face with our lived reality.”

He goes onto to talk about beliefs that we have about Jesus that need to be debunked.

“The first myth is that personal relationship with Jesus is the answer to the abundant life. If you’re not experiencing it, you just need to deepen your relationship. The issue with this theory is that it’s mostly true. Personal relationship with Jesus is essential and non-negotiable. How can you follow someone you do not know?

In Luke chapter 4, Jesus visits His hometown of Nazareth. He preaches and reveals that the Scriptures have been fulfilled. Immediately the people of Nazareth, who have known Jesus for almost 30 years, were filled with rage and tried to hurl Him from a cliff. They had personal relationship with Jesus but they did not follow Him.

If we look at this story through the lenses of our everyday relationships, we can find similar parallels. It’s absolutely possible to be in a romantic relationship with another person but to not live out the practices that make a relationship healthy.”

For those who want to step into the fall with a fresh start, we’ve put together some resources to help. We encourage you to start with small goals, and read this article (referenced above) to see how others have added simple but transformative disciplines to their life. 

Resources to Help You Build Rhythms: 





Bible Reading