Mother Part 4: Communion in Motherhood
In this episode, we conclude our conversation on motherhood focusing on the feminine genius of maternity. We speak about how to grow in spiritual maternity to allow new life and lasting fruit to come forth through us. We discuss the need to continue to allow others to mother us, as well as the importance of showing up for ourselves and tending to our own needs. We revisit the ideas of abiding in the Lord and living a right-ordered life in community in order to live our vocations as mothers. We pray this week you would bring forth the life God desires to birth in you.
Show Notes
One Thing We Love This Week
Sister Miriam’s one thing - Prayer from Mother Mary Francis
“Our Lady is a home where people are helped to be what they can be, to grow to the maturity for which God has destined them. Like her, the family is called to be a place where someone helps me to rise when I stumble. Always a hand reaches out to sustain me, and my hand goes out to help the stumbling one.
All these appellations that the Church heaps upon Our Lady show her as both homemaker and the home.
When we are homemakers, we are ourselves a home. We must be all these things to one another: a lookout tower, a place of beauty, a refuge, a help, a strength and a consolation. Let us be engaged more earnestly than ever before in being homemakers. Despite the word being used in a somewhat condescending term in our time, to be a homemaker is the greatest glory of woman. It is essentially the mission of the Church, the Bride of Christ. She is the home and the homemaker. She is the home for us all.
Our Lady is essentially the first physical home of God himself, and always our home. We must strive to make a home for one another: a home of peace, of love, of worship, and of focus on God.”
Heather’s one thing - Cinnamon Roll Cake Recipe from Mel’s Kitchen
Michelle’s one thing - Amazing Grace - Aretha Franklin
Discussion questions:
What stood out to you from this week’s episode?
After listening to this series - what does the expansive view of motherhood look like to you? What does authentic motherhood look like?
What does it look like to put your own needs first (in right order), to show up for yourself and allow others to mother you?
Who is one woman who has mothered you well that you would like to thank?
Journal Questions:
How is the Holy Spirit asking to collaborate with you to re-mother yourself?
Are you still open to God creating new life through you?
With mindfulness of the difference between productivity and fruitfulness - where is God inviting you to be fruitful? What may need to be pruned to create fruit that lasts?